I’m still working on the lemon juice secret message project. Many children don’t know how to iron. Their first experience should be supervised, and the children in my story are not supervised when the find the lemon juice message.
So my husband’s co-worker, Yuanyuan, suggested a 400 degree oven. After a few jokes about not setting the oven at 451 degrees Fahrenheit, we tried it. Her oven’s 400 degrees is hotter than mine. Her message was readable in 5 minutes. At 5 minutes, mine was just starting to appear. I had to wait 10 minutes to fully read my secret message. Here’s photographic evidence from my kitchen. The photo above is after 10 minutes. The photo below is after 5 minutes. The photo below shows the paper on a cookie sheet in my oven. The photo above shows the same paper out of the oven. Yes, that makes it easier to read.
This in what it looked like after 5 minutes in my oven at 400 degrees Fahrenheit.
This is the writing when it is still wet. Parts of some of the letters have started to dry, becoming invisible.
This is the first step. Cut the lemon in half, and juice it. I do recommend a juicer, like the one in the picture. It’s much easier than squeezing by hand.