On Amy’s twelfth birthday, either she’ll be Magyck, or she won’t. With one Magycal parent and one normal, she’s got a 50-50 chance. She’s just learned that her dad died in the closed up cave before she was born. That’s where she wants to be when she finds out which. As she scoots into the cave, she accidentally breaks a genie lamp on the ledge. She has freed the genie. But, since she didn’t get the genie out on purpose, she doesn’t get any wishes.
A landslide closes the entrance to the cave, so Amy is stuck, and the cave is dark, but fortunately she brought a flashlight. A big and noisy creature’s footsteps stomp down the passageway to their right. Amy is scared, but she agrees to go with the genie on a monster hunt. They soon find themselves in a cavern with glow worms, four chests (gold, silver, copper and lead), a dragon and a ghost. Amy opens one of the chests without touching it. The chest holds two tubes of tears. One is Tears of Joy and the other is Tears of Sadness. They aren’t labelled, so she doesn’t know which is which.
She is Magyck. But she doesn’t know how to use her powers. The dragon says she’ll need to learn to control her Magyck if she is ever to get out of the cave. He says he’ll teach her, but he’s a bully, and he hasn’t passed all of his Magyck tests. Will she find the clue she needs in one of the boxes? Or will they just make things worse?